Declare Your Exit - City
Build a community that crowdfunds a real city with your sovereign law.
DECLARE AN EXIT City and create or join a community for just $11 per month.
What are Exit Cities?
Exit Cities are a type of Charter City - physical zones approved by host countries where the law is unique from the rest of the country. You can make anything illegal or legal in your city, allowing you to form a community of like-minded people.
Charter City Zones
Designated areas with unique laws and governance
Like-Minded Communities
People united around shared values and laws
Custom Legal Framework
Create the laws that align with your community's vision
How It Works
The Exit City platform gives you the tools to rapidly grow a community united around a unique law change and crowdfund an Exit City. We negotiate with host countries that need investment, securing land and approval for an Exit City zone with your unique law.


Join or Create
Sign up for an existing Exit City or start your own with a unique law


Grow Your Community
Use our platform to invite others and expand your network


Collectively raise funds through $11 monthly subscriptions


We work with host countries to secure land and legal autonomy


Build Your City
Develop infrastructure and welcome community members
Is This Really Possible?
You might think this sounds unrealistic, but it's already happening. Welcome to the early 21st century. This is the dream time!
Are Charter Cities real?
Yes, Charter Cities are a growing phenomenon around the world. Several countries have already implemented or are in the process of creating special economic zones with unique legal frameworks.
How do you negotiate with countries?
Our team has decades of experience in establishing agreements with governments to unlock land and legal autonomy. We present Exit Cities as an opportunity for large-scale investment, technology transfer, and human resource development.
What's the timeline for creating an Exit City?
The timeline can vary depending on factors such as community growth, fundraising speed, and negotiations with host countries. However, with our streamlined process, it's possible to make significant progress within a few years.
Reasons to DECLARE your Exit
There are numerous compelling reasons to join or create an Exit City. Here are some of the key benefits:
Unique Law - Be True to Yourself
If you're part of a larger community that needs a unique law to live to your full potential, then start an Exit City. You can make any law you want and live as you believe.
It Costs You Almost Nothing
$11 a month and maybe 20 minutes of your time once off. That's enough to get access to a City with the law you want, to save your people, to be true to yourself and your kind of people.
Investment Return Potential
Because an Exit City is usually built on cheap rural land, and years later that land is highly developed, your land and property can greatly increase in value.
Low Cost / Higher Quality of Life
In global south countries your food, transport, labor, materials and housing cost much less. This means you can have a much higher quality of life!
More Reasons to join an Exit City
We Do the Heavy Lifting
We go to global south countries and establish agreements with governments to unlock land and legal autonomy. We've been doing this for decades.
Community Growth Potential
If you invite 10 people we help you find, and if they do the same the next day and so on, your Exit City will have a 1,000,000 strong community it in a single week!
A Sanctuary from Uncertainty
If there is war, the global south is further removed. If there is another pandemic, you're in a self managed community. And, no one will nuke you. And food security.
Supportive Community
People sharing your values, beliefs, or at least having one main thing in common, are much more likely to support each other & build a good life together.
Big Picture: Because It Could Save Humanity
We don't know what the future holds, but we know that the more Exit Cities where people try new things, the more solutions we can find to humanity's problems.
Exit Cities foster new ideas and approaches to societal challenges
Global Impact
Successful models can be replicated and scaled worldwide
Problem Solving
Unique communities tackle issues from unique perspectives
Accelerate human development through experimentation
Afraid but ready to Exit?
Are YOU a nudist in stuffy clothes? A married but lonely polyandrist? Do you need a daily dose of DMT without the dose of fear? Maybe you want a Catholics only City?
We got you. Really, we support your right to create a new legal space no matter what you want to legalize, ban, or mandate. On libertarian principle, we do not deny applications no matter how we feel about your proposed law. This is an issue-agnostic platform for any community, to advocate for a new city with any new law. People should be able to come and go as they please: let people vote with their feet!
Click the box below to Declare An Exit:
Your Legal Right to Organize
You have the full legal right (in most countries) to organize and fundraise for a new law, or, a new city - to be legally approved in some other country that accepts your new laws. Your Exit. That's a win-win solution for you, your family, and the society that said no to "your kind" or "your way" or maybe a society that is fundamentally broken...
Is it legal to create an Exit City?
Yes, in most countries it is legal to organize and pay a service like ours to fund-raise a new city with unique laws, especially if planned in some other country.
Can I really choose any law?
We support your right to advocate for any law change, no matter what it is. Our platform is issue-agnostic and based on libertarian principles.
What if my country doesn't allow it?
Even if your current country doesn't allow the laws you want, you can still organize to create a city in another country that will have a choice to pass those laws for your Exit City zone.
City & Law on Demand
What service do we provide? We unlock Charter Cities on demand, for a group of single issue/value/law oriented people that form a community to make the City. Charter Cities have unique laws that are agreed to by host countries. We sell this model to governments as the best way to bring large scale investment, technology and well qualified human resources (particularly to the global south). That's our specialty. We do it as a service without touching 95% of the deposit your community raises - 95% is capital for the City.


Community Formation
Gather like-minded individuals around a specific law or value


Platform Support
Use our tools to grow your community and raise funds


Government Negotiation
We work with host countries to secure land and legal autonomy


City Build
Build infrastructure and welcome community members
Our Platform's Unique Offering
Our platform will guide you to organize and grow your community with an incredible growth formula. So the real question is: How many likeminded people are there in the world who would support the law you want to make? Maybe over a 100K, maybe 10M or 100M. In any of these cases for as little as $11 per month per person, you can grow an investment deposit that will be more than enough, to unlock and build your city. Then you just move, invest in a home or work there, and build your dream life. All within a supportive community that shares your unique value, identity, or law.
Community Building Tools
Our platform provides a suite of tools to help you grow and organize your community efficiently.
Charter City Expertise
We bring decades of experience in negotiating and establishing Charter Cities around the world.
Business Development Models
We offer proven strategies to attract investment and develop thriving economies in new cities.
Spend Less and Live Better
Your cost of living comes down tremendously in the global south, on food, transport, labor and materials. For example a nice apartment might cost as little as $50,000. You might be able to afford your dream house. You often get a pristine natural environment, access to organic food, and good old clean air. We look for safe areas, and if you unlocked an Exit City, your investment deposit is enough to build customized first world amenities for a small town (utilities, healthcare, education, shopping) that your community needs.
Affordable Housing
High-quality homes at a fraction of the cost in developed countries
World-Class Amenities
Access to top-notch healthcare, education, and shopping facilities
Fresh, Organic Food
Enjoy locally sourced, healthy food at affordable prices
Community Growth and Investment
Let's say your city is approved. Since not everyone would not be ready to move to a new city right away, the initial infrastructure is enough to support the starting population. We estimate a 500 to one ratio of community to first residents, and maybe 100 to one for visitors (who help bring money to your city economy), at least in the first few years of the City. As the City grows, expect to attract more and more people and scale the city. That's when financiers step in and it's a competition to invest in more amenities! Your land and house value go up accordingly.
Initial Community
Start with a core group of committed residents and supporters
Visitor Influx
Attract tourists and temporary residents to boost the local economy
Population Growth
Gradually increase the number of permanent residents
Investment Attraction
Draw in financiers and developers to expand city amenities
Property Value Increase
See your initial investment grow as the city develops
Make Money
When you subscribe for $11 a month to support your Exit City, and other people do the same, you're all building a potential investment deposit for a new (Charter) Exit City. This can grow very quickly with our platform.
Charter Cities are an incredible investment opportunity, since they develop real land and potentially increase rural to urban land value by an order of magnitude. Think rural Oklahoma vs. Manhattan land prices. Your community, as the investors, get land at the Oklahoma cost... and companies and residents pay to build on the land, which makes it go up in value, and demand - especially for anyone that wants the laws! So 15 years later your land might now be worth Manhattan prices*. It is possible for that little $11 a month subscription to 100x or 1000x in value as part of the deal*. You'll be able to see the progress on the project in your community group. You'll have the chance to convert your contributions formally to equity once the host country government approves the City!
Legal Note for Investors
*Legal Note particularly for US investors (with thanks to the SEC): We do not represent that subscriptions are an investment or that these are guaranteed to increase in value. Nor do we guarantee value increases on land in Exit (Charter) Cities.
Are subscriptions considered investments?
We do not represent subscriptions as investments. They are contributions to support the development of an Exit City. They may convert in part to investments after a City is approved.
Is there a guaranteed return?
We do not guarantee any increase in value or returns on subscriptions or land in Exit Cities. We only provide possible estimates.
What is a SAFE?
A SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) may be issued for total contributions over some amount. This could potentially convert to equity if certain conditions are met.
Power in Numbers
It's easy to sign up and support an Exit City, which you do with a $11 monthly subscription and a little bit of community building (everyone helps invite a few others at least once, we show you how and make it easy). So basically it costs less money than a few cups of coffee a month... and less time than visiting the cafe... Subscribe and you'll be part of the community and able to monitor everything and join in as much as you want or don't want. In the group you can use a user name and keep your personal details private. Oh, and did we mention, you get a City? If everyone does this easy stuff, that's the power of numbers! A 100,000 person strong community could have $12M ready to invest in there Exit City in one year. And we bet some communities will eventually be in the 10's of millions...
Sanctuary in Global Uncertainty
Reverse Migration!
Did you enjoy COVID-19 under your government? Are you following the events in the middle-east, or eastern Europe?
Make a LAW in your City - NO MASKS.
The important thing is, an Exit City (in the global south) will not likely be in emerging war zones, no one would have a reason to launch a nuclear missile on one, and an Exit City can make its own laws about things like COVID-19, which means you can live somewhere safe, free, and secure, if things aren't so good at the old home country.
On top of that, if there is a disruption to supply chains, most countries in the global south produce a lot of food, and are suitable for growing food - which might become important…
Public Exit Cities
You are allowed to support/be part of as many Exit Cities as you want. You might want to build an alliance with other agreeable communities to more quickly fund an Exit City approval.
DECLARE an Exit - City, Today
Ready to be part of a community that shares your values and vision for the future?
DECLARE AN EXIT City and create or join the community for just $11 per month (click the box below).